Putting Rush and Lusk on the Map
Hello Hinterland by Martin Holohan
Illustrated by Clare Lynch
As we now look forward to getting more out and about with the onset of the long evenings approaching, then a new book called Hello Hinterland comes to us all in a timely fashion.
The book written by Martin Holohan, a local Storyteller, and Poet brings to the fore, the sheer joy of connecting with culture and heritage.
The book focuses on the journeys he makes across a wide and sometimes rural region and aptly incorporates people and places living close to the East Coast of Ireland there in Fingal County.
Moreover, his real contribution is highlighting the ‘aspects of the everyday’ in places around that particular part of the country, which are remarkably only a short distance by train or car out of Dublin City.
Most notable are the titles…’The Perfect Lawns of Lusk’….’Twin Loves in the Little Town of Rush’… and the very humorous ‘Missing at the Man of War’
The Author tells us that the book, which is beautifully and colourfully illustrated by another local Artist, Clare Lynch, is a volume of Tales, Stories and Poems and is written, as he says himself…for all ages.
The Author too will be giving readings from the book throughout the many local and regional libraries this coming Summer and Autumn…so watch out for those on the usual media boards and print outlets.
However, in the meantime, if you wish to get your own copy – the current main outlets for the book are Hodges Figgis Bookshop across from Trinity College, Tales for Tadpoles children’s book store in Drury St, Dublin 2, Alan Hanna’s Book Shop on Rathmines Road, Dublin 6 and Antonia’s Bookstore in Trim, Co. Meath. You can also go online and contact Choicepublishing.ie where copies are now readily available for sale from their online bookstore.

‘Hello Hinterland’ Illustrated Poetry Book: Clare Lynch (Illustrator) & Martin Holohan (Author)