International Literature Festival Dublin

Nice to pop in to the International Literature Festival Dublin in Merrion Square Park in Dublin over the weekend! Great set up and weather for it 🙂

On an island of storytellers and in a city where books are treasured, International Literature Festival Dublin is Ireland’s leading literary event. Since 1998, we have brought the world’s finest writers together to enthral, engage and excite audiences.

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Hello Hinterland is Bestseller at Hodges Figgis

**Bestsellers Alert at Hodges Figgis**

Woohoo – Hello Hinterland has made the top 10 books category on the Bestsellers shelves at Hodges Figgis in Dublin! We are celebrating today on hearing this news 🙂

Pop in-store to get your copy if you’re passing…

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Hello Hinterland Book Launch Countdown

We are excited for the long-awaited launch event of the poetry book Hello Hinterland at Hodges Figgis on Dawson Street, Dublin 2 at 6pm this evening.

This book launch event has been postponed since last year due to the Covid-19 Corona virus lockdowns. We can’t believe the time has finally come to introduce Hello Hinterland to the world!

Written by Martin Holohan, Illustration & Design by Clare Lynch.

See details about the event on the Hodges Figgis Waterstones website here.

Thanks for the shout-out in anticipation Hodges Figgis! read more

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